The New York Go Center has undergone many changes recently. Primarily Vincent Liu has become the full time host. I am not sure if this is the main reason, but many more people have started to show up. I came to the center today and about 10 people came to play and study go. It is quite nice to have some really young kids playing at the center. There is one 5 year old Japanese boy who aspires to be a professional. His name is Ken-chan, perhaps he will be pro one day, but for now he has to learn to sit through a 45 minute lesson on life and death ^^.
Vincent (Yong Xin) Liu 6d There are also two young kids who have been under Vincent's tutelage since this March, have been getting quite good. Well at least at life and death. They are able to solve some of the more difficult problems already. The two brothers are 4, and 8 years old.
Also, the main reason for this post, I am taking a photography class and wanted to share my first printed photograph. It is of the two brothers.
Camera: Nikon SLR; Film Tri-X kodak 400 iso.
Exposure 30@1.8 printed on fiber paper. Click on image to view full size
Photography going well. Hoping you'll have some better photos, like the ones here, the Go-World can use a good photographer. Is the tape off all the walls as well, as in the corner of Vincents photo? That old paint tape thee forever.
Those are very cute kids
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