Well, Kim Seungjun and Diana arrived in New York late Thursday night, and arrived at my house by 2am. After some catching up and a few cups of tea, we all went to bed. Friday was spent sleeping/in Times Square. But you guys don't care about that stuff do you?
There we are, Saturday, the workshop. Arriving almost late, we quickly proceeded to collect registration fees and hand out life and death problems. The two pros decided to use problems from the "Speed Baduk" series. It was rather amusing/disappointing to see all of us struggling with a set of problems, that was meant to be solved withing 5 minutes, for about 40 minutes.
Afterwards, we were broken up into groups and instructed to play games while the pros went over the problems. I stepped out after the game, so i missed the rest of saturday, however, I know that the Dia, and Kim went over some basic Joseki that they saw people have trouble with, reviewed the games that we played, and played simultaneous games.
Another little event happened post workshop, Andy Liu, our local champion, had a game with Kim Seungjun. It ended rather quickly, as Andy was apparently nervous and played to quickly, unfortunately I don't have the game record to show.
Sunday was rather similar to Saturday as far as the program goes. We solved life and death, played our group games, reviewed, studied some joseki, and played simultaneous games with the pros. Overall everybody seemed to really enjoy the workshops. We had a total of 16 different people with, 11 on Saturday and 12 on Sunday.
Overall I think that the workshop was a success, however, next time I will try to make it more organized with better food for lunch, and perhaps some celebrating after it is done. Thanks to everyone who came and participated, and thanks to the Pros for coming halfway around the world to teach us. :)
1 comment:
Hey, I'm part of an organization name GZR that host Anime and Video Game Conventions, Tournaments, Contest, Interviews and Reviews, and more events. We are currently looking for feedback and people who share a common interest in either anime or video games (if not both). Part of our feedback is finding out the Pro's and Con's you've seen in cosplaying and anime conventions? What you would like to see at conventions? And also what conventions you've attended or plan to attend, if any? The feedback would be greatly appreciated and will help in bringing together anime fans like yourself. Thank You.
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