Thursday, May 28, 2009


Lately I have been having a lot of problems with Mosquitos...

The apartment we live in is very hot at night, but if we open the windows a swarm of gnats, flies, and mosquitoes find a nice free buffet.

Anyway, this hhas caused me to think alot about them, mainly why we itch when we get bit. It seemed counter intuitive to me, I mean, it would not be so bad to get bitten if not for that longlasting, irritating, waking you up at night itching feeling. It would seem that if they were not so itchy, people would kill them as much. It seems that evolution failed the mosquito by making them make us itchy....

Here I though I was being funny and Ironic telling this to my Marc, when he said "Actually we get itchy because our body fights of infections from the mosquitoes..." There goes my "mosquito bit"

Unknowingly, I was determined to find another joke. Later that night I was talking to my friend Big Kyoung, and I asked him whether it was a pimple or a bite on his cheek. (It was oozing something). He said it was both, and that it hurt.

All of a sudden this image of a mosquito sitting itself down on my friends pimple popped into my head.

So it was flying around, and sits down, it thinks to itself - "yummy a meal, and its even on a raised platter!". And it sticks its little sharp hose down and takes a big swig. It is expecting the irony-delicious taste of blood, instead it gets the --actually I don't know the taste of pus so no adjective here-- (blank) taste of pus instead. It flies off confused, its stomach hurts, so it cant fly and its in generally bad shape. After agonizing, trying to fly for a few seconds it sits down on a garbage can and slowly titches away into the unknown abyss where mosquitoes go when they die.

Anyway... I told this to my friend, and he seemed to feel better about the pimple bite.


Anonymous said...

I like the story about the pimple, the mosquito, and your friend. Okay....that sounds like a famous Disney movie.

Erica said...

You do have an interesting way of cheering people up...